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How it all began

As a lifelong seeker and learner, I am very familiar with the challenges and discomfort that comes up both internally and externally during significant life transitions.

From a young age I was stuck in a pattern of stress, worry and anxiety with worry dolls tucked tightly under my pillows stressing about what the future may hold.

In my twenties I started out starry eyed working in the fashion industry, with glamourous and creative dreams but the reality soon kicked in and I was left feeling unfulfilled and that this was not what I wanted my legacy to be.

Seek to find what makes you sparkle


After then studying social work it clicked that I was meant to work with people. While advocating for clients really lit me up, I felt restricted within the job, swamped by paperwork and on the edge of burnout that so often hits those in caring professions.

I just knew that there was another way for me to support people to fully show up as their true selves in their lives, and after studying with the amazing Beautiful You Coaching Academy it was confirmed that coaching was this way for me.

I’ve experienced other significant transitions in my life such as navigating life after the loss of an extremely close loved one, living overseas and embracing the rollercoaster of a long-distance relationship.

As I leant into my own evolution/growth I found that the more I accepted and embraced who I truly was with my outrageously loud laugh, eclectic personal style and quirks, the more I was able to show up for others and support them in embracing their own authenticity.

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I’m a seeker and questioner and my social work background has brought this out even more questioning the status quo and striving for things in life that promote love, childlike joy and calm rather than conflict, fear and chaos.

I truly believe that most people deep down actually know what their true heart and soul desires but that things get in their way fear such as distractions and external influences.

And so, here we are. and I invite you to explore what working with me might look like for you, if it feels aligned.

The strengths I see in others supports them to reconnect back into their true selves and to what their heart and souls really desire.”


Life Coaching

Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy

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Bachelor of Social Work

RMIT University

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Cert IV in Disability

Centre of Adult Education

“If you are looking for a coach who provides a combination of encouragement, intuition, wisdom and loving guidance to support you in creating a fulfilling and authentic life, Miriam is the coach for you."

- Lauren B