Are you seeking to create a life which feels amazingly aligned in every way?

With my life transitions and self care coaching I would love to support you!

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As a lifelong learner and seeker, caring and sensitive soul, creative thinker and multi passionate being you are constantly looking for opportunities to stretch, grow and to step towards a life which feels wonderfully aligned and rich.

You may be feeling the pull towards making a big life transition or you may be right in the thick of the life change right now and you are desperately reaching out for a supportive hand.

Or maybe you work in a caring role in the social services sector, a medical or an educational setting and whilst caring and giving to others brings your life great meaning and purpose you are often left not knowing where to begin when caring for yourself.

I can support you.

Sound familiar?

  • You know change is on the horizon but you are feeling overwhelmed just thinking about it.

  • You feel stuck and want to bury your head in the sand but know that you want and deserve so much more.

  • You are want to start putting your desires, and needs into focus again.

  • A significant event has occurred in your life and you are feeling a little shaky right now but you are determined to reconnect back into your truest self and to what is really important to you.

  • You have a caring and compassionate nature and have the tendency to over give to others or even take on their energy which can lead to burnout, not meeting your own basic needs, resentment and even compassion fatigue not only for others but even for yourself.

  • You work in a caring profession and are trying desperately to avoid burnout and are clutching at straws trying to maintain your own mental, physical and psychological wellbeing.

  • You are facing a period of significant transition in your life such as moving countries, moving out of home, changing careers or jobs, heading towards retirement, dealing with the prospect of an empty nest or transitioning into life after the loss of a loved one.

I am the coach for you, you amazing human, if:

  • You get excited by the idea of seeking, expanding, learning and growing

  • You are a creative/ left of centre thinker – often taking a critically analytical lens to things

  • You are ready to create long lasting, magical changes in your life

  • You value humour and laughter, not making light of things but still infusing some humour when appropriate

  • You are open to someone holding you lovingly accountable

Our coaching journey:

  • Identify your goals

    By filling out a thought provoking pre coaching questionnaire you’ll get clear on what areas you would like to work on and I will support you to bring these inspiring goals to life.

  • Get clear on your values

    Helping you to get crystal clear on your values and develop ways to ensure that you can live in more alignment with these especially through a significant period of life transition.

  • Self care is key

    Create some self-care strategies which you feel inspired to implement on a daily basis to support your own mental, physical and emotional wellbeing while you are doing at times super intense work holding space for others.

  • Find your voice

    Assisting you to create strategies and tools to be able to speak up and move towards making what you really want to happen in your life.

  • Work through mindset blocks

    Work together through any mindset blocks that come up as you do some deep soul work.

  • Create strategies

    Support you to create some rock solid strategies that will support you through the challenging times that come with periods of significant life transitions

What we’ll achieve:

At the conclusion of our coaching sessions together, you will be well on your way to:


Be living more in alignment with your values, every day.

Be taking consistent action, that feels good, toward making your vision a reality.

Feel deeply reconnected to your true self and what your needs and wants are.

Feel able to speak up, express yourself and put in place loving boundaries where needed.

Be crystal clear in what changes you want to make for your future.

Feel courageous about the changes that are to come.

Have clarity on what self-care means and looks like for you, and knowing ways to incorporate it into your daily life.

Gain the tools, confidence and clarity to navigate massive life transitions.