Client Love


 “As a new mum, I now feel invigorated and confident that I can actually make changes in my life. I think this shift is invaluable.”

"Somewhere along my path, I stopped even asking myself what I wanted, what I desired. I found myself living in what felt like someone else's feature film and I was an extra. Working with Miriam, I not only found my way back to the steering wheel but a flame was lit inside me – an excitement for the potential in my life again – the wonderful things I could design my life to be.  

With Miriam, I curated some small but really powerful actions towards reclaiming my life and reclaiming my body. To see some of my goals come to life, within the container of Miriam’s support and encouragement, was so empowering.  

 If you are looking for a coach who provides a combination of encouragement, intuition, wisdom and loving guidance to support you in creating a fulfilling and authentic life, Miriam is the coach for you."

Lauren B.


 “Miriam provided me with the inspiration to tap into my self-awareness, gain further clarity and to lovingly reconnect with all aspects of my truest self.”

"“I had the realisation that I was ready for coaching in the midst of a Covid lockdown when I found that I now had alone time to focus on me and that it was time to start focussing on me rather than others.

I came to my coaching series with Miriam struggling with self-belief and self-acceptance. I wanted to create a deeper sense of confidence within myself and to feel greater self-approval in all aspects of my life. I was wanting to create a shift towards prioritising my needs before others, to attract friendships where I could be vulnerable and to make life choices that were not fear-based.

While at first I felt anxious, I wanted to grasp all that was provided to me and Miriam’s engagement and my own curiosity around the process kept me involved. Miriam supported me in creating goals that were positive and focused on what I wanted for my life rather than what I didn’t want.

Whilst coaching with Miriam it became apparent to me that I had some people in my life that were draining my emotional capacity. I developed a greater self-awareness of boundaries being blurred, stretched, ignored and I knew that I had to make adjustments to realign to my needs. With Miriam’s support I was able to assert boundaries to clear relationships that no longer felt aligned in order to make space for those which felt more reciprocal and supported my desire for physical, social and emotional wellbeing and harmony.

Miriam helped me to develop a greater sense of acceptance and an increased sensitivity towards my evolving physical, social, spiritual and energetic needs. Miriam supported me to acknowledge and celebrate my strengths and actions rather than overlooking them and taking them for granted.

After coaching with Miriam, I now speak up in regards to my needs and I have given myself permission to work with my aging body and its needs. I speak up and make time to discuss my career options, whereas previously I put myself last and felt unworthy asking about career opportunities. I also take time to think through my career options rather than being in a fear and scarcity mindset towards work opportunities.

H. Samuels


 “Miriam came into my life at the perfect time, it felt like all the stars had aligned and opportunities presented themselves to put my new ‘learning’ into practice.”

“When Miriam and I met for our first session, I was working all the hours that God gave on three different jobs and caring for my mother who has Alzheimer’s. I felt as though my family were falling apart and that I had to act to prevent this from happening. I think I was also very inward-looking and my world was very small consisting of my job, home and my family. Within myself, I felt old, boring and dull. I had never worked with a coach before, my expectations were low and I felt like I was too old to benefit, too stuck in my ways and like I was just a one-trick pony.

 With Miriam’s support, I created goals that felt super stretchy at first, but as I journeyed along I realised that they were allowing me to truly discover what I wanted for myself and my life and how to finally care for myself rather than just others.

 The goal I created around ‘true purpose’ really highlighted to me that I was living my life in a default position. My day to day life was like a lazy underdeveloped muscle that needed to be stretched and developed. 

 Some major realisations I made after our time together were that: work does not define me, I have the power to define myself, I don’t need to build a framework around myself to make things work, I can take advantage of things that happen naturally and organically and that I can look for ways that make me ‘tick’, I thought I knew how to tick but really I was ‘tocking!’.

 Miriam came into my life at the perfect time, it felt like all the stars had aligned and opportunities presented themselves to put my new ‘learning’ into practice. Situations that I would previously have experienced as a failure became golden opportunities for me. 

Overall I would describe my time working with Miriam as Supercalafragalastically Life Changing!!! Thank you Miriam for helping me to get my life back.”

 Nicci I.

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“Miriam is a natural at coaching and her passion and empathy for people, especially from her social work background, shines through.”

“When I started coaching with Miriam, I was stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage, being aware of the changes I wanted to make but lacking self-confidence and often relying on others and external validation to propel me forward.

After our first session together, I realised that it’s actually me making the changes and that no one is going to tell me what to do. I then knew that I needed to tap more into what I really wanted and to become more attuned with my intuition.

Once we got in to our sessions, with Miriam’s support I began to take responsibility for how I react to things and started to work on creating my own life. Whilst shifting stuff is not always easy, my biggest breakthrough was the realisation that unless I shift how I feel now, it doesn’t matter what opportunities come if I’m not in the right mindset.

Miriam created a safe and supportive space which allowed me to have the power to shift my thinking and behaviours and to be accountable for my life’s direction”.

Tess M.

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“Miriam was able to ask questions which challenged and expanded my thinking and supported me in being able to take inspired action towards my goals.”

"Before Miriam and I began working together, I was struggling with issues around motivation and being proactive, both as a partner and in terms of making big life decisions. 

From our first session together I felt very calm and relaxed and I was intrigued with how the experience would unfold. With Miriam’s support I was able to identify and nurture my creative side and this is now something I more consciously share when connecting with my children. It also became clear during our sessions that my wife and children are the main motivation for me being in action which only spurred me on further. 

 After working with Miriam, my wife has commented that my attitude has shifted and I am more engaged, determined and proactive. I now feel a lot more confident in myself and am more willing to take something on that is out of my comfort zone, recognising that if I make a mistake that that is okay and that there is the opportunity for learning and growth. 

Overall my experience of working with Miriam can be described as engaging, confidence-building and eye-opening. Miriam was able to ask questions which challenged and expanded my thinking and supported me in being able to take inspired action towards my goals." 

Chris J.

I gained a real sense of having taken a chance and tried something different and I felt like I had taken a significant step forward.”

"“I had been going round in circles and was stuck in a rut for a while. In a conversation with my wife about how I felt, she suggested I get in contact with a life coach and that’s what brought me to work with Miriam. I thought that getting a different perspective and brain storming different ideas could be really helpful. 

After the end of second session I had gained a real sense of having taken a chance and tried something different and I felt like I had taken a significant step forward.

Overall it was a mind opening experience and Miriam is extremely open, supportive and helpful.”  

David L.G.